Research Review: How Effective Is MI Write in Different Instructional Contexts?

MI Write provides a helpful framework to aid writing instruction. When implemented with an instructional focus on goal-setting and strategy use, results of experimental studies have shown improved writing quality over time. Additionally, there have been positive changes in students’ self-regulation, though their general attitudes and beliefs about writing remained unchanged. Stronger results have been observed in instructional contexts centered on building higher-level thinking skills and knowledge of writing in specific genres. An emphasis on goals and strategy use helps students develop good habits and control, while emphasis on surface features of writing results in less improvement. 

Key Findings



1.    Palermo, C., & Thomson, M. M. (2018). Teacher implementation of self-regulated strategy development with an automated writing evaluation system: Effects on the argumentative writing performance of middle school students. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 54, 255–270.
2.    Wilson, J., Huang, Y., Palermo, C., Beard, G., & MacArthur, C. A. (2021). Automated feedback and automated scoring in the elementary grades: Usage, attitudes, and associations with writing outcomes in a districtwide implementation of MI Write. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31, 234–276.
3.    Wilson, J., Potter, A., Cordero, T. C., & Myers, M. C. (2022). Integrating goal-setting and automated feedback to improve writing outcomes: A pilot study. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 17, 518–534.
4.    Wilson, J., & Roscoe, R. D. (2020). Automated writing evaluation and feedback: Multiple metrics of efficacy. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(1), 87–125.